Antique finished fragments are perfect sections from quilts that were otherwise too damaged for restoration. (Remember, 95% of my quilt collection is in original condition, with no restoration necessary). The undamaged section of the antique quilt is removed and rebound with same date or older fabric. Occasionally, we are able to use fabric from the original quilt to rebind its fragment. These fragments are labeled, as that would be the only way of knowing that they are not original sized quilts.
Antique finished fragments are a wonderful way to purchase a doll or crib sized quilt with the same graphic impact at a fraction of the cost. Finished fragments can be displayed anywhere; on a table, wall, hallway, or in any room in your home. Finished fragments can be cotton, wool, or silk, including Crazy Quilt fragments. Our antique fragments date from the 18th century through the 1940?s.
When binding these fragments we always use same date or older original fabrics.
Please note that some pictures are not square due to the photography, not the fragments"

Click on the pictures below to see more views of my Antique Finished Fragments. Shading is due to lighting, not representative of the quilt. Please call for the availability or any questions.

F800 Table Runner with Hole in the Barn and Broken Dishes Squares
12 x 68 inches
What a perfect table runner or a quilt for that hard to decorate area of
your home. Made in Colorado, possibly during the Depression, and backed
with a cotton flannel for warmth.
Hand pieced and hand quilted with scraps, probably from a farming
family...if I remember correctly!
The quilting is not great, but the graphics and fabrics are very
soothing. The creator combined two patterns...Hole in the Barn
Door..also called Monkey Wrench and Broken Dishes in her quilt. This is
the perfect part of a loved quilt now rebound with the same date solid
blue fabric.
Hand washed with organic products and now ready to be sent for your
approval, with free shipping.

F154 Courthouse Steps Log Cabin Quilt Fragment
22 x 22 inches
Comprised of "logs" that are 3/4" in width with the center chimney
measuring 2-1/2". 1890's fabric prints are very distinctive. This little
quilt gives a wonderful representation of those very creative designs.
Creativity in design has enabled this little quilt to also be a Diamond
in A Square Design.
The four Log Cabin Blocks have been created from calicoes in black, blue
light beige and pink. The piecing was executed by machine. We were able
to use the original binding to rebind this piece. The backing is a
different black, gray and pink floral design..very 1890's !!
In perfect condition and ready to accent a special place in your home. I
am happy to send this quilt for your approval.

F302 Basket Quilt Fragment
30 x 32 inches
A wonderfully quilted Basket Design from the 1920's. This is part of a
larger quilt that is now rebound with same date fabric. The Basket
Blocks measure 11" square and are on point. The triangles making up
the basket have 1-3/4 by 1-3/4" by 2-1/2" sides. Between the baskets is
a beautiful medallion. Piecing and quilting are all executed by hand.
The fabrics are simply a deep pink and a white with a white backing. A
compatible same date miniature pink and white plaid compliments the
quilt as its binding.
This organically hand washed quilt is ready to be sent for your approval.

F605b Mariner's Compass
12-1/2 x 25 inches
New York
Mariner's Compass quilts are highly sought after. This is a small part
of one that is a perfect size for a table topper, a grouping or that
hard to find place for a special piece of art in your home or boat! We
have the other piece as art on our boat you know I love it!
Created from an over dyed Green, white and mustard color cotton fabrics.
The backing is an off white linen typical of pre 1865 early Eastern U.S.
quilts. All work was executed by hand as this was made before sewing
machines were in the public use.
This little quilt can be sent for your approval.

F605a Variable Star with Center Square Fragment
25 x 30 inches
New England
Comprised of 12 9x9” blocks, this wonderful little fragment dates from c.1835. The backing of this little wall hanging or table topper dates from the late 18th century and is a minuscule brown and black stripe with a black calico print. Naturally this quilt was created by hand, as it was made many years before the use of the sewing machine. Every other block in this quilt is a pieced LeMoyne Star variation with a center square. The alternating blocks were created from a small red and white gingham fabric created during the early part of the 19th century. This quilt fragment was taken from a huge four post quilt. Four post quilts were only made in New England resulting in proof of where it was created. A four post bed quilt has the bottom corners cut out to go around the posts forming a T shape. This quilt fragment is an easy size to become art for your wall. Organically hand washed and ready to be sent for your approval.

F311 Wool Challis Broken Dishes Fragment
36 x 60 inches
Maine or Massachusetts
This stunning quilt was hanging in my home and is now up for sale. The
advantage to this is that there are 4 sleeves already on the quilt..ready
to hang in either direction!
Wool Challis fabrics were and still are very costly. Sociologically
this tells us that the woman who created this piece of art was from an
affluent family. The colors are all vegetable dyes and just exquisite.
This is part of a larger quilt and has been rebound using the same date
fabric. The wholecloth backing is a miniature calico in dark gray, light
gray and red.
This sophisticated little quilt is ready to be sent for your approval.

F797 Folky Cotton Crazy Quilt Fragment
20 x 20 inches
What a fun piece that was created around 1890 with some fabrics going
back to C.1875. I found this quilt in Northern Maine. The construction
used here is a New England concept. There are actually 4 little Crazy
Quilts..each one bound and then joined together with like pieces.
The fabrics are mostly muted due to the fact that a lot of the 1870's
through the 1890's dyes were fugitive...meaning they can fade down to lighter
tones. We actually have here the khaki color that is so desirable today 🙂
A fun little piece perfect as a topping for your table, a grouping or
that hard to decorate corner of your home or office.
Now organically hand washed and ready to send for your approval.

F114 Pair of c.1825 Applique Medallion Blocks Fragment
17-1/2 x 17-1/2 inches
New England
Pair: $395
Turkey Red Calico, a fabric that cannot be reproduced, is rare and
very expensive. Created from a 21 step process in many different
designs. This Turkey Red and the Overdyed Green are fabrics that are
unused. The quilting was done at a later date.
Both of these fabrics were extraordinarily expensive, giving us insight to
the social status of the quilter.

F162A Ohio Stars Fragment A F162B Ohio Stars Fragment B F162C Ohio Stars Fragment C
A. 17 x 25 inches
B. 9 x 25 inches
C. 17 x 25 inches
New York
A. $275
B. $175
C. $275
These pieces came from a quilt that was perfect only in these areas. I
actually have one from the same quilt hanging in my bedroom.
Created from overdyed green prints made during the second quarter of the
19th century. These fabrics were very, very expensive which tells us
about the society in which the quilter lived. Affluent women held hand
work as one of their important attributes. This fabric was created by
putting blue dye over yellow to create green.
All of these have been bound with fabric of the same date. Small pieces
like these are perfect as adornment for your table or that hard to
decorate small area or as a grouping on your wall along with other objects.
Now organically hand washed and ready to be sent for your approval.

F150 Variable Stars with Diamond in a Square Centers Fragment
25 x 35 inches
Stars, stars, stars...loved by so many for centuries and a favorite of
quilters also for centuries.
This pattern is also called a LaMoyne Star. Comprised of 6 inch Star
blocks alternating with a wonderful double pink solid block. These
blocks "on point" add another design factor to this slightly
sophisticated design. The center square of each star is an overdyed
green created around 1870.
The colors for each star range from matter dyed red, light blue, pink,
red, tan and beige. The quilt is entirely hand pieced and hand quilted.
The separately applied 3/8" binding is in a comparable blue vine and
leaf design. The backing is a fabulous design of flowers and vines on a
light mustard. This fabric was from the 1920's. Because of this we know
that the top was created about 40 years before it was quilted. Did a
descendant of the pieced quilt top finish this?
Now organically hand washed and ready to be sent for your approval.

F168 Multiple Miniature Touching "Stars of Bethlehem" fragment
c. 1930
31 x 31 inches
New England
A perfect size for that hard to decorate area...or a perfect table topper.
An off white background with an array of fabrics and colors from the
Depression era. Colors are an orange red, green, blue ,yellow, pink and
purple. We have solids and calicoes.
Stars have for centuries been the favorite of quilters and this is no
exception. Pieced from diamonds with sides measuring 1-1/4". All hand
pieced and hand quilted. This was a perfect design to create from scraps!
This happy little quilt is now organically hand washed and ready to be
sent on approval.

F796 Variation of Harrison Rose Center Finished Fragment
31 x 32 inches
This captivating little piece was created in Pennsylvania from Turkey Red,
overdyed Green and orange fabrics on a white background. The exquisite
work was executed doing applique and reverse applique. All applique
stitches are almost invisible. The entire piece is quilted, with
perfectly even stitches, in a crosshatch pattern in a 1/2" grid. The
same date Turkey Red fabric was used for the binding.
Not only is this little quilt artistically captivating, but the size
makes it easy to find that perfect spot in which to show it off!
Organically hand washed and ready to be sent, with free shipping, for
your approval.

F793 Part of a Star of Bethlehem Fragment
25 x 35 inches
The full quilt was originally a wedding gift. We know that because of
the heart in the middle of the Folk Art Leaf. Parts of this quilt were
not usable and as a result we have made a small artistic little quilt,
rebound with original same date fabric. Created using solid fabrics, and
from Lancaster, PA, this textile maybe Amish. The colors of this quilt are a
Royal Blue, Chrome Orange and 2 shades of for the triangles,
one for the large area.
All pieces are machine pieced ..all quilting and applique work has been
executed by hand. Both characteristics are typical of Amish quilt work.
The diamonds are outline quilted, the large areas are crosshatched on
the diagonal in a 1" grid. The sides of the diamonds measure 2"...the
Folk Art leaf measures apx. 6" X 9". There is a separately applied 3/8"
binding of the same date fabric.
What a wonderful present for someone you love.
In unused condition and ready to be sent, with free shipping, for your

F401 Stylized Peony Fragment
34 x 38 inches
New England
Four Peony appliqued blocks on point each measuring 12" X 12" in
wonderful solid soft pastels of green and pink. This stylized version
feels very Art Deco in design. There is a quilted sun medallion in the
center of each block. The center of the medallion, which is cross
hatched quilted is surrounded with quilted rays emanating out from the
edge. There are the same medallions on each side of this piece. A
wonderful size for those smaller areas in your home.
In perfect condition and organically hand washed. I am happy to
send, with free shipping, for your at home approval.

F792 Eagle Kit Quilt Center Medallion Finished Fragment
62 x 48 inches
This center medallion Eagle quilt could pass for the entire original
piece. However, this is the center medallion from a large full size
quilt. The top was so damaged ...but, the center medallion was perfect.
The edge was the perimeter of this area and lent itself to appearing as
if the total of the original quilt.
Now this quilt has a turned over binding from front to back using the
fabric already there. There are only four fabrics used: red, yellow,
off white and a green calico. All applique was executed by hand with
even stitches. Quilting was executed using a treadle sewing machine.
A folksy Eagle quilt which can be either a fun piece of art or a folksy
quilt throw for your couch.
Organically hand washed and ready to be sent, with free shipping, for
your approval.

F791a, F791b Schoolhouse Finished Fragment
A. 44 x 27-1/2 inches
B. 29 x 26-1/2 inches
Southern U.S.
B. $375
We have two wonderful, perfect condition School "fragments". I call them
fragments as they are the perfect sections of a non perfect quilt. Each
piece is bound with the same date fabric. Little quilts are so easy to
find a perfect place for in one's home.
All work has been executed by hand. The design of the quilting is an
Arch..that lets me know that it was created in the south as this
technique was not used in the Northern part of the U.S. The quilting
rows are approximately 3/4" apart. The rich lavender color used for the
Schoolhouses and the 3/8" binding was the rage in the 1880's. The
wonderful medium / light blue fabric used in the rest of the quilt has a
wonderful variation of a paisley design that I have never seen. Backing
fabric is a lightly woven fabric close to what is called cheesecloth.
This is a fabric used in farming and tells us more about the background
of these pieces.
Organically hand washed and ready to be sent with free shipping for
your approval.

F403 Double Nine Patch Fragment
28 x 56 inches
Chester County, PA

15 x 15 inches
Western U.S.
This wonderful little quilted Ohio Star piece is from the 1930's....
left unfinished, we bound it in same date feedsack red and white stripe fabric.
A perfect size to mount on the wall or use a a center display for any table.
In unused condition and ready to be sent for your approval.

17 x 38 inches
This Philodendron plant quilt pattern was indeed very difficult to execute.
All of the leaf pieces were executed using the reverse applique technique.
This quilt was created around the time Americans discovered Hawaii along with all of their
wonderfully creative art work. This quilt fragment is reminiscent of the Hawaiian quilts, but
is definitely from Pennsylvania.
This was part of a larger quilt and is now a graphically wonderful piece of art.
The skill level seen here is some of the best in the world of quilting tops.
Reverse applique is a painstaking task which is beautiful when done correctly.
When originally made, all the leaves were the same shade of green.
The over dyed green fabric has washed down to a yellowish green...while the beige leaves were
tobacco dyed, the color of which dissipates when washed. Ironically, the beige we are left
with is one of the much loved of today's colors.
We have bound the fragment with a 1/4" same date fabric matching the background of the quilt.
The size of this fragment is perfect for a wall hanging, in either direction...
or as a rare and unusual centerpiece for any of your tables.
Organically hand washed by Betsey and ready to be sent for your at home approval.

F786 Ship's Wheel Finished Fragment
32-1/2 x 58-1/2 inches
New England
Created in chrome orange and over-dyed green, this graphic and stunning finished fragment
from a Ship's Wheel quilt will make an amazing wall hanging.
Chrome orange is a very hard to find color in a perfect antique quilt.
Dating from c.1855, in perfect condition, this quilt piece measures 58-1/2 x 32-1/2 inches,
rather large for a fragment. The blocks measure 13" square and are joined with 4-3/4" sashing.
The applied, restored binding is 1/4" and of the same date fabric.
Curved pieces are the hardest to work with when constructing a quilt top.
The person must be very accomplished at both sewing and geometry.
All work was executed by hand...both piecing and quilting.
This quilt was created before the sewing machine was mass produced.
Organically hand washed by Betsey and ready to be sent, at no charge, for your in home approval.

F784_F785 Quilt Fragments
25-1/2 x 25-1/2 inches
25 x 27 inches
$400 and $425
Shown here are two fragments which are actually a pair of fragments taken from a much larger quilt.
Created during the 19th century and quintessential Pennsylvania.
The backing is a gorgeous 1875 design.
One fragment measures 25-1/2" x 25-1/2" and is $400.
The other one measures 25" x 27" and is $425.
I am dating these mid-19th century. The colors are chrome orange, a deep
rich cobalt blue and a coffe color brown. The little quilts were in perfect condition when we
cut them down as fragments. In addition we used the original fabric of the binding
to create the 2 sides binding of these two little pieces that were unbound.
I see that one of the origional sides has a few tears on the binding so I have priced it lower.
The quilting is wonderful and is executed in an approximately one and a half inch diagonal grid.
The applique stitching is teeny-weeny. The hearts indicate that this quilt was a wedding present.
There are five hearts on each piece in the center of which I believe are folk art pineapples.
Having organically hand washed these quilts they are now ready to be sent for your in-home approval.
ff701 and ff702

F783 Miniature Log Cabin Quilt Fragment
27-1/4 x 27-1/2 inches
New England
I know I've said it before, but the Log Cabin patterns are some of my favorites.
This diminutive quilt is a miniature Log Cabin pattern in a fragment. The blocks displayed here
measure approximately 7-1/4 inches each. The logs only measure approximately a quarter of an inch
each in width. The backing is an early c.1850s brown calico. Of all the fabrics used in the composition
of this little masterpiece, the earliest one I see appers to be c.1825. The fabrics used are very, very
expensive wool Challis. I can see a few basting stitches from the quilt's creation. The size of this quilt,
measuring 27-1/2 x 27-1/4", is a wonderful size either for a wall hanging in a prominent place or as a
topper on a table with beautiful candlesticks.
In perfect condition, this quilt top was unused when I made a fragment and a bear from it. I did so
because the rest of the quilt had a huge hole of unknown origin! This quilt is sophisticated, gorgeous,
perfect, and in perfect condition.
It's also finished with 3/8 inch early brown chintz binding all hand applied.
The piecing is all by hand of course at this early date. I'm dating the quilt circa 1850.
Ready to be sent for your in home approval.

25 x 30 inches
This early Lemoyne Star / Variable Star fragment was originally part of a four post New England Quilt.
Blocks were pieced frtom fabrics that date back to the 1780’s. Some of these fabrics are even rare hand painted block prints.
This fragment is comprised of 12 blocks each measuring 8" square. Every other block is a lemoyne star
alternating with a red gingham block. The backing is a c.1800 fabric. The 3/8” binding has been created from the
original fabric on the quilt.
With the fabric colors mainly browns, reds, blues and taupes we have today’s colors appearing on a very early quilt.
A perfect size piece of art for a wall or a center piece on your table.
Organically hand washed and ready for you to see on approval.

f157 Barn Raising Log Cabin fragment
c. 1875
35 x 43 inches
New England
Consists of 8" blocks, 3/4" wide logs. Hand pieced, hand quilted. This fragment came from an unused quilt, the fabrics are still crisp. Hanging this quilt in different directions will graphically change its feel. The backing is also a wonderful 1870s calico.

F607a Courthouse Steps Fragment
34 x 32 inches
New England
This very artistic and geometric Log Cabin Court House Steps finished fragment has been completely hand pieced, using a foundation piecing method only executed in New England. This courthouse steps cotton quilt has been hand bound in a matching ecru cotton. A fabric junkie would really appreciate this quilt as there are dozens of different prints used in the creation of this piece. A vast array of browns, rusts, madder dyes and other wonderful fabrics dating back to c.1845. It’s a wonderful piece of art and a size that can be used many places and in either direction. Organically hand washed and ready to send out for your approval.

F607 Woolen Folk Art Four Patch Fragment
21 x 29 inches
Found in Pennsylvania
This funky little fragment is comprised of various wool fabrics, both in texture and design. Pieced by hand and tied with colorful yarns, this little fragment has a very folk art feel. The four patch blocks are joined with a 2-1/4” brown wool challis fabric sashing. Each block measures apx 7” square. The backing is a c.1890 stripe in muted black, lavender and yellow. The binding used here came off the original quilt. This quilt art fragment, for your wall. is ready to be sent on approval.

F606 Oak Leaf Fragments (four of them)
A. 53 x 14 inches: $525
B. 102 x 14 inches: $850
C. 71 x 14 inches: $625
D. 72 x 14 inches: $625
New England
These origional condition quilt fragments are origionally from a four poster quilt. This quilt was created using an appliqued original Oak Leaf and Wave design with this indigo block print calico onto a white backing. These amazing pieces were the side drop on an early 1815 four post quilt and are in perfect condition. I am surmising that someone cut off three overhanging drops of this quilt to make it fit a particular sized bed from the 20th century. I cannot imagine who would taken a scissors to this early quilt. However, as a result we have some amazing Indigo and white quilt fragments. I’ve finished the strips in different sizes to accommodate various size walls. These fragments can be used together or separately. We have bound the unfinished edges so the newly bound edge matches the original bottom binding of the quilt. Hand appliquéd, outline quilted and diagonal cross hatch quilting fills the open white spaces. As a result that the oak leaves are not quilted, they have a dimensional look. I believe the origional quilt came from NY. Organically washed and ready to be sent for your or more

F782 Crazy Quilt Fragment w/Horseshoe
Dated 1886
29 x 29 inches
New England
This wonderful little Nine Block Crazy Quilt is in excellent condition. The 10 inch blocks are embellished with silks, silk velvet, embroidery and silk and cotton threads. The entire piece is executed with one of a kind needlework artistry. Signed and dated 1886, this fragment will make a wonderful piece of art for your wall.

f166 Rob Peter to Pay Paul
c. 1820
21 x 32 inches
New England
Created from two very early fabrics, a turkey red calico and an indigo calico. This pattern creates an optical illusion. The squares measure approx 11 x 11 inches. The fabrics used in this fragment are two of my favorite calicoes and dyes. This quilt already has sleeves sewn on the back in case you would like to hang it as art on a wall.

F600 Victorian Crazy Quilt Fragment
Dated 1886
24 x 24 inches
Quilt fragments f600, f601, and f602 are all from the same Victorian Crazy Quilt created in Massachusetts. The center of the quilt was destroyed. The 3 fragments are the parts of the quilt I was able to save.
This fragment has beautiful oil paintings, silk embellishment, gold metallic thread, ribbon work and a printed ribbon saying "Oh here it comes" showing 3 women at the beach. It has an original oil painting of two people sitting on a split rail fence kissing. A happy little piece. It is bound with same date black silk, and has original red backing.

F314-315 Turkey Red and White Feathered Star with Turkey Red Ohio Star Centers Fragment
c. 1850
22.5 x 22.5 inches
New England
$425 each, one is SOLD
This diminutive center medallion Ohio star has an Ohio star as the central focal point. Dating from c.1850 this little piece is of course created all by hand. As a fragment we have bound it with original 1850s fabric. Created from turkey red combined with a high quality white fabric, this piece is perfect as a table topper or as a wall hanging. Completely hand stitched which is indicative of its being made prior to 1850s when the sewing machine came into use.

F306 Double Wedding Ring Fragment
35 x 56 inches
This wonderful double wedding ring fragment is an unusually large size for a fragment. The adjoining blocks are lavender and yellow, very sought after colors. The wedding ring pieces measure 2.25 x 2.25 and are in every conceivable depression era calico color. Beautifully rebound in a yellow 1/4" binding, it also has a yellow backing, and is large enough to use as a lap quilt or a wall hanging. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F781 Funky Diamond in the Square fragment
c. 1930
45 x 67 inches
Lancaster, PA
We are used to seeing the diamond in a square pattern as a signature piece of the Lancaster Amish. However, this quilt has taken that in a totally different direction. It is lively and happy. Even the back is a yellow and white check. Hardly used, this would make a fabulous quilt for a child's bed or as art on the wall. Looking at this quilt makes you smile. Rebound with same date fabric.

F212 A&B Barn Raising Log Cabin Fragment
c. 1880
34 x 43 inches
New Hampshire
B: $375
Fabulous optical illusion art. 3/4" logs, wonderful funky floral backing. Huge array of 1870s and early 1880s calicoes. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F210 Olive Branch Fragment
c. 1850
23.25 x 24.25 inches
New England
Over-dyed green and faded red calico, beautifully quilted. White block has a quilted wreath with double lined quilted shell in the middle. Much of the quilting is only 1/4" apart. The fabric on the front and back is linen. It has a 1/4" binding. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F317 LaMoyne Star or Variable Star Fragment
c. 1845
25 x 33 inches
Fabulous array of early fabrics. Herringbone quilting is executed in concentric squares. 1/4" binding is original to the quilt. The blocks measure apx 8" x 8". Some restoration.
Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F329 Rob Peter to Pay Paul Fragment
c. 1815
11 x 22 inches
Rare early turkey red calico and indigo blue calico. 19th century binding. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F322 Rob Peter to Pay Paul Fragment
c. 1815
32 x 42 inches
$925 each
Rare early turkey red calico and indigo blue calico. 19th century blue binding.

F321 A and B: Log Cabin Quilt Fragment
c. 1928
A: 17 x 18 inches
B: 17 x 19 inches
New Hampshire
$75 each
Pieced by hand, reverse tied, 1920s fabrics.

F320 Wool Challis Barn Raising Log Cabin Fragment
c. 1865
17 x 34 inches
New England
The backing of this quilt and how it is pieced together is indicative of New England. It is all hand done, with fabulous mid-19th century challis fabrics. The binding is the same date fabric and is applied half by machine.

F167 Touching Stars fragment
c. 1930
32 x 46 inches
$Call for price
It is composed of six miniature Stars of Bethlehem. This wonderfully happy fragment is believed to be from Ohio. Completely hand pieced and quilted with same date binding fabric as the original quilt. The quilting between the blocks are floral designs.

F102 Triangles fragment
15 x 38 inches
New England
Triangles measure 4.5 x 5.5 x 5.5. Completely hand pieced and quilted, this fragment has fabric going back to 1840, including the backing fabric.

28 x 28 inches
New Hampshire
Cotton log cabin fragment with red binding.

c. 1925
17 x 27 inches
New Hampshire
Cotton log cabin fragment with blue binding.

Broderie Perse quilt fragments
Dated 1767
Lancaster County, PA
$500 each
These fragments are from an 18th century Broderie Perse quilt. The fragments are mostly perfect. Two of them have sleeves on the back for hanging. The original quilt had the date 1767 stitched into the quilt.

F104 Unusual pattern
18 x 28 (45.7 x 71 cm)
Lancaster County, PA
I have been unable to find the name of this pattern. It reminds me of a combination of broken dishes and a variation of stars. Fabulous unusual conversation print. Hand pieced, hand quilted. 3/8" binding, 6.25" squares on point. Original quilt was actually unused. We will never know why there was a hole in the middle of the quilt. This is a perfect fragment from the original quilt.

f116 Appliqued Toy Trains fragments
c. 1950
18 x 22, and 10 x 28 inches
New England
$95, and $75
Perfect to embellish a child's room. One fragment measures 18 x 22 $95, the other 10 x 28 $75. The fragments are comprised of squares measuring 7.5 x 9", with 2" sashing, and a wonderful revolutionary era conversation print backing.

f156 Oak Leaf and Reel fragment
c. 1925
19 x 19 inches
Found in New England
This wonderful rare chocolate brown fabric is hand appliqued and hand quilted. The 3/8" binding is actually from earlier fabric.

f160 Four Appliqued Floral Wreath fragments
c. 1930
15 x 15 inches each
$120 each; 2 left
Four appliqued floral wreath fragments in wonderful pastel colors of lavender, yellow, pink, and green. Hand appliqued and hand quilted, from Massachusetts, these fragments will bring feelings of spring to any room.

each approx 15 x 15
$150 each (2 sold, 1 available)
Feathered Star fragments from a very early quilt - and in gorgeous red and white. A pattern which is always sought after, we have five single feathered star fragments saved from a much larger quilt. Each star is comprised of the same fabric: a small scale white doughnut-like circle on red. Entirely hand pieced they are also skillfully hand quilted in 1/2 inch cross hatch in a grid pattern for the stars and 1/2 inch diagonal cross hatching for the white joining blocks, all executed using very tiny stitches.
We chose a red and white striped fabric of the same date for the 1/4 inch applied binding which sets off each star beautifully. The backing is the same white as used on the front. These pieces are wonderful either alone (they are $175 each) or displayed as a grouping as we have shown them. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F103 Indigo & White Stained Glass Fragment
23 x 32
Possibly NY
A striking and very graphic fragment taken from a much larger quilt in the Stained Glass pattern. This beautiful and graphic fragment is stunning on the wall and contains a small scale white spade and starfish pattern on indigo blue in the main body of the piece. The binding is a sweet same date fabric in blue and white and is a scant ¼" wide. Machine pieced and hand quilted in diagonal cross hatch and parallel lines. A beautiful design element to add just the right touch to a room as art on a wall or draped over a sofa or table. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.

F305 Blue & White Lemon Peel Fragment
18th century
10 x 29
New England
A wonderful 18th century block print on linen in gorgeous blue and white. The quilt this fragment came from was made in the early 1800's and Betsey was able to save this small piece. Hand stitched, appliqued and quilted in diagonal cross hatch, outline and echo outline stitches. We applied a 3/8" wide same date white fabric binding. Perfect size to be used as a decorative accent in your home or office. Professionally hand washed by Betsey.
Rocky Mountain Quilts Shop Hours
Shop Open Year Round
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-4
Other times: Call for Appointment or take a chance and call from the driveway 207-363-6800.
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-4
Other times: Call for Appointment or take a chance and call from the driveway 207-363-6800.
Payment Methods:
Rocky Mountain Quilts gladly accepts cash, checks, Visa, Master Card and American Express. Bank wire transfers are an easy method of payment for both domestic and international sales. If you are traveling, we will be happy to ship your purchases via FedEx at your convenience.
Contact Us
Telephone - for orders or questions -
Email -
Shipping FedEx address -
130 York Street
York, Maine 03909