Restored quilt, top-before, bottom-after

Restored quilt, top-before, bottom-after
Antique Quilts Restoration
& Sales Testimonials
Welcome to the Client Testimonials section of our site. Here you will find actual client reactions upon first viewing our meticulously hand executed restorations of their family heirloom pieces using period fabrics and sewing methods. At Rocky Mountain Quilts we consider it a privilege to be entrusted with the care and restoration of treasured family quilts that will be passed to future generations. We also receive wonderful feedback from first time buyers as well as repeat clients who have purchased their treasure from the more than 550 antique quilts available online and in our York, Maine gallery.
Maine Home +Design Magazine ---------------------------
" Hi Betsey, I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. My wife was absolutely blown away by the quilt. We were all in tears. I was a little slow on getting any video, so I missed the initial reaction. She immediately took a picture of it and sent it to her brother as well. You really did an amazing job. My mom may be reaching out to you for another restoration. Thank you for making my wife's Christmas! " - JM
"Paying a visit to the "home" of Rocky Mountain Antique Quilts is truly like visiting behind the scenes of the Americana Collection at the Smithsonian Museum, with often brilliantly colored quilts at your literal finger-tips even though most seem to be well over 100 years old and actually to 200 years and quite possibly beyond. They are not secured behind locked glass as one might expect but, instead, are directly out in the open and very touchable. Therefore, realizing this, it is no surprise that a visitor is first directed to a hand-washing station and even requested to wear gloves before handling any of the quilts. The presence of fast-food ketchup and grease and the like on even well-meaning strangers coming in the door must be presumed and guarded against -- just like "behind the scenes" at The Smithsonian.
As to the quality and the variety of the quilts available for viewing and sale, they are simply remarkable -- as is readily seen by the quilts offered on the website. The owner "Betsey" is a fount of knowledge who "sells" with truly verifiable facts and not just "creative writing" as do so many. I can personally attest to the precise accuracy of the descriptions and representations having both been physically a "guest visitor" / shopper on-site as well as over the years having purchased at least -10- quilts, all over 100 years old and most 150 years old, and more. EVERY one of the quilts requested arrived in a condition and with qualities actually better than described. She is also immediately responsive even to general inquiry, such as when recently I really needed technical assistance cataloguing and identifying with particularity -- especially regarding pattern variations -- as well as dating the ones in my wife's antique quilts collection.
In short, I both recommend "Betsey" and her Rocky Mountain Antique Quilts absolutely, without hesitation or reservation, as the quilts offered have always been truly exceptional, AND I endorse their up-front directing visitors to a hand-washing station to protect the integrity of such rarified goods for both the visitor and all those interested in the same quilt[s] that follow." - BL, OR
"Betsey- I have the box open now and I am definitely smiling!!! The reworked coverlet will be hung in our home with great pride so it can finally be enjoyed. I am so pleased you were able to salvage so much of it. Your expertise is deep, and you have the skills to match… some have one or the other, but few have both in such measure. Please thank those in your shop as well. When I have the coverlet hung, I’ll be sure to send you a photo. And the woven blanket is on my sofa in our den, currently under a peacefully snoozing cat, as it should be. Best wishes and all good luck to you." - K.M., WI
"Hello, Betsey - Amey asked me to forward this to you. As you'll see in the photos, I rigged a slender broom handle in the pocket at the top of the quilt, and we are able to hang it in the stairwell for display; it won't remain there, of course, but it's easy to trot it out for show-n-tell! I am deeply impressed (within the limits of my ignorance of the woven arts, naturally) with the quality of the work in this archival version of the quilt - the carefully whipped edges, the weight and suppleness of the backing, the overall integrity of the piece. It is a work of art, an artifact of history, a family heirloom, and a family treasure. I appreciate that it is as vulnerable as it is precious, and assure you that we will always treat it with respect and protect it from the trauma of wind, water, vermin or sunshine. We continue to marvel at the exquisite, skilled craftsmanship (to my mind, THE essential element in all great art) that is manifest in the quilt. In the shifting light of the passing day it dances and glows...Thank you again for facilitating this restoration. Thank you for taking the lead in this preservation project; I think it is a huge success!" - Dr. William F. and Mrs. Amey Weiting, ME
"Dear Betsey- THANK YOU for restoring our quilt so beautifully, we will now cherish it like it is meant to be cherished! It smells so fresh and clean too. You've been so wonderful to work with.... thank you again, Betsey!" - C.H., WA
"Betsey, Thank you so very much for all your help in my search for the "perfect" quilt. The quality, size, color, condition is absolutely Amazing! Love it ... and in addition to looking beautiful on my bed, when I look at it I have feelings that bring me back to my childhood. Many fond memories and I will keep this quilt in my family for future generations! Loved talking with you and thank you again. Enjoy the rest of summer!" - M., CT
"Hello Betsey, What can I say? Your finished expertise on my quilt has given it a new life and exceeded my expectations. I fully appreciate all your detailed work and I like very much the vocal point effect of the flowers you described. It makes it distinctive and I think of my aunt when I look at the variety of fabric. Thank you for restoring my family heirloom. I will take good care of it. Please stay safe and sound." - B.B.
Comments from a recent lecture by Betsey:
"Thank you for your most enjoyable and informative presentation. Your quilts are all magnificent!! I loved Linsey too. So many of our members told me how much they enjoyed today's meeting. Your practical advice is great." - J.S., ME
"I was astonished that the backing you chose exactly matches my bedroom walls! They appear green in the picture but they are the color of that backing.. and that color is prevalent throughout the house! What are the chances of that?" - CG
"Hi Betsey, just a quick update. Your hanging directions were excellent and this beautiful silk quilt has been installed at my daughter's home in Vermont. Her living room has a cathedral ceiling, and the quilt fits perfectly with about five feet remaining from the floor. The edges of the quilt are near the sides of the room. This room has very little natural light so the fabric is safe. Now that it is up, it is spectacular. And very large! Again, thank you and your staff for all your wonderful work. If you ever need a reference for your restoration quality, just call or e-mail! Take care" - D.B, OH
"Hi Betsey, Wanted to let you know that the quilt arrived safely, and it is beautiful. It's amazing to think that this is what it would have looked like a hundred years ago, and now that it's cleaned and restored, that it'll look this way for the next generations in the family, too. We've been sending pictures to C's family, and everyone is stunned -- in a good way. Thanks so much" - R.B. & C.B.
"Hi Betsey, I received the quilt and all I can say is "wow"! The work you did on it is stunning, and I am overjoyed at the end result. I just cannot believe the transformation ... it looks better than new! The quilt had originally belonged to my Great Grandmother, and is very sentimental to me. Now, it is ready for the next seventy five years! Thank you so much and have a Merry Christmas." - D.W.
"Dear Betsey, My childhood quilt is beautiful, and I am so pleased that I can now pass it on to my Granddaughter in pristine condition! Thank you for the wonderful work you do. My best, P."
"I safely received the quilt yesterday -- WOW!!!!!! It looks spectacular, and the color is just right -- I am glad I didn't go the extra step for a whiter color, as I think it looks just perfect now. The difference between before and now is quite amazing -- I knew it was dingy before, but now I see how REALLY DIRTY it was before! I am amazed that you were able to get it to such a clean looking state now. Have a great holiday season!!" - L.V., NE
"Dear Betsey, I never, in my wildest imagination, thought the quilt I brought to you could ever be completely restored – it was a complete mess. It arrived today and I had goosebumps as I unwrapped it. Then, I shed tears of joy. You brought back to life a piece of my childhood – the happiest quilt I have ever seen (but that looked so sad in its disrepair). What a wonderful gift you and your team provide – you restore memories; you make them whole again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to stopping into your shop and meeting you someday. " - C.T., NH
" The quilt made it safely to San Francisco! It looks gorgeous. Thank you for bringing it back to life. I will be sure to sew the information you gave me about the quilt and what I can learn from my mother onto the back. " - K.B.
" We received our quilt this week. It looks great. Thank you so much for getting this treasured memory ready for our daughter! " - S.T.
"Just gorgeous! You and your folks did a fantastic job. The fabric you used for the border restoration looks perfect. I am very pleased and grateful for the painstaking, excellent work." - C.K., NY
"My beautiful quilt just arrived - I LOVE IT! Your group did such an amazing job restoring and bringing back my grandmother's quilt. I will treasure it always. I can't thank you enough for all your expertise, hard work, and experience. I am definitely taking your advice and writing the history of this quilt on fabric and attaching it to the quilt for future reference. Thank you again!" - J.D., CT
"Dear Betsey and Lisa.....My 89 year old mom was so thrilled with the quilt! She was so pleased and excited about how wonderful the quilt looked!....The restorer did a beautiful job and my mom is so happy to have it back on her bed." - K.K., NH
"Dear Betsey…am so grateful I found you in “Yankee” (Magazine). My quilt is now again so beautiful and I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work…" - T. M., OH
"(We) received our quilt today. You did such a beautiful job repairing and cleaning it! We are just overwhelmed by the quality of your work. Thank you for restoring this treasure for our family." - E.S. & J.S., IN
"I am utterly, completely delighted with my great-great grandmother's quilt. It is truly amazing what you were able to do with it and I can't wait to display it in our new home! The fabrics, the workmanship, everything about what you did with it is perfect. I know my father will be so pleased when he sees it. Thank you so much. I'm so grateful that I was able to find you all the way down here in Texas." - Jodi Z., TX
"Betsey, I've searched for years for just the right quilt to add warmth and character to my home. I didn't know exactly what I was searching for but in visiting your amazing store I found it! You have a wealth of knowledge and guided me in just the right way to help me find my treasure amidst 500 awesome works of art. I feel so fortunate to have found such an honest and trustworthy resource in my search for the best antique quilts available. Thanks again." - J.S., MA
"Good morning Betsey - I love love love my (purchased) quilt. Thank you so much for finding it for me." - Jane F., CA
"The (purchased) quilt you sent has arrived safely and I am so delighted! It makes me happy every time I look at it. Thank you so much for helping me choose it. I am so glad that I discovered your web site and then your shop, and I suspect I may revisit the site now that I know about the wonderful quilted animals." - Deborah S., Germany
"I still can't believe how beautiful the quilt looks after Rocky Mountain Quilts finished restoring it. I smile ear to ear every time I look at it; one, because of its beauty and two, because of how nice both Betsey and Lisa were and how they cared for the quilt as if it was their own. As I type this, I think of the memories this C.1840 Whig Rose Applique Quilt must hold and dream of the new ones it will create. Thank you so much for doing an impeccable job and please give a big hug to all who were involved." - CAZ Elmhurst, IL
"We can't tell you how delighted we are with the restoration of our handmade quilt. It looks just like it did the day I finished it many years ago. We have missed the quilt while it was being restored, but now that we have it back it is like having a family member back again. Thank you and please extend our thanks to all the hands that gave our quilt new life." - SML&JLL, Stratham, N.H.
"…your workmanship is incredible! I was going to sell my quilt after you restored it but now I think I’m going to hang it in my home! Thank you!” - Sarah B., ME
"I just arrived home today to find my quilt at the post office. It's simply beautiful! I'm so thankful to have found Rocky Mountain Quilts! Thank you so much!” - Sheri S., Alaska
"The quilt has arrived and it is lovely….how great to be able to access Rocky Mountain Quilts!” - Stasha C., Canada
"The (finished) quilt arrived in fine shape--it is GORGEOUS!!!! Can't wait to display it in North Carolina!!” - Sue H., FL
"…thank you so much for all the hard work you did for my quilt, it turned out amazing and my father-in-law was in tears when he saw it fully restored.” - Traci L., PA
"I displayed our (RMQ custom finished and hand quilted) blue and white quilt at our quilt fair and the woman who gave me the antique quilt top originally just about lost her balance when she saw how beautiful it was! I also had offers to buy it...and was told it was the most beautiful quilt in the show, I have to agree." - Laura B., CA
"Dear Betsey, I received my grandmother's crazy quilt this afternoon--it is absolutely stunning! It is so bright and looks brand-new again. My special thanks to the restorer who accomplished my many detailed wishes for bringing the quilt back to life. I also appreciate having the excess materials back. I thank you very much for the time, attention, effort, and the ultimate result you gave me." - J.P., CO.
Rocky Mountain Quilts
130 York Street
York, ME 03909
Shop Hours
Shop Open Year Round
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-4
Other times: Call for Appointment or take a chance and call from the driveway 207-363-6800.
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-4
Other times: Call for Appointment or take a chance and call from the driveway 207-363-6800.
Contact Us
Telephone - for orders or questions -1-207-363-6800
Email - betsey@rmquilts.com
Shipping FedEx address -
130 York Street
York, Maine 03909