UF922 Framed Pictures of Women's Bonnets

16-1/2 x 18-1/2 inches
UF922A: $295 (6 bonnets)
UF922B: $250 (4 bonnets)

Two pictures, gold framed with double matting, with images of 18th century women's bonnets. 18th Century women's bonnets were an important part of a woman's attire. Whether rich or poor, women needed head attire to keep warm. Upper class women enjoyed bonnets as their mark of wealth and their place in society.

These bonnets were usually created from silk and expensive fabrics finished with hand woven ribbons, silk flowers and even feathers.

Today in New England hats are worn in the summer to keep the sun off and in the winter to keep our heads warm. 18th Century hats or bonnets were a statement, where today they are used for a distinct purpose.

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